My Soccer Journey

I began my Soccer Journey around January 2012.

After moving to Florida we tried different Karate Dojos but to my mother expectations there was none as good as the one I used to go in Maryland.

Funny fact: The reason my parents decided take me away from Karate, was because my mother didn’t like when the lady sensai told me to stop doing push ups “like a man”. She instructed me to put my knees on the floor because “that is how ladys do push ups”, she said. My mother couldn’t disagree more. She has always wanted me to grow strong and independent. To my mother’s eyes that lady sensai will make me weak and hold me back. That was the end of my karate years.

In the search for a new sport we found inside door soccer at the local Ice Skating Stadium. I gave it a try and I felt in love with it.

You can check here my karate years.

At the beginning, it was hard. I remember one game where the members from the other team were older than us. I was at center back position and a player from the other team shot the ball right on my stomach. It took my air out. The pain was so intense that I wanted to cry but I didn’t, cause I have no air to do so. My mother got scared but I kept playing. I didn’t quit. I guess the Karate classes came out handy as she wanted. Made me though.

One day at a Sunday soccer game, a coach from the opposite team went to talk to my parents during the game. He told them there was a tournament coming up and he asked if we would like to participate. He would put me in his team. We said yes but it was outside in what I used to call “the big field”. I was a bit intimidated but I gave it a try.

I liked it but it was harder to move as fast as I wanted. I guess I was used to the short distance, fast movements and small space of the inside door soccer.

After that I continued to participate in “the big field” more frequently. Then I got moved to a more challenging team. It was so exciting.

Here we are at one of the Univision Soccer Tournament.